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The Knight
The Bishop
The Chess GPS Improvement
The Chess GPS 2
Understanding Queen Endgames
Carlsen vs. Karjakin
212 Surprising Checkmates
The Magic of Chess Tactics Vol. 2
The Art of Attacking Chess
Fundamental Checkmates
Fundamental Chess Tactics
Chess Strategy in Action
Instructive Chess Miniatures
Instructive Modern Chess Masterpieces
how to play against 1 d4 1 e4
Just The Facts! (2nd Edition)
Winning With The Najdorf Sicilian
The Modern Bogo 1. d4 e6
The Extreme Caro-Kann
Formation Attacks
The Essential Center-Counter
The Strategic Nimzo-Indian (4.e3) Vol. 1
Sveshnikov vs the Anti-Sicilians (out of stock)
Fighting The Ruy Lopez
The Double Queen’s Gambit
How To Be A Winner At Chess
Keep it Simple 1.e4 (1st edition)