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- Diverse Openingen en Gambieten
Diverse Openingen en Gambieten
English Defence
The Veresov Move By Move
Mastering the Chess Openings Vol. 1
Starting out: d-pawn Attacks
Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings
Chess Movies 1: Quick Tricks
The Two Knights Defence
The Gambit Files
De Wereld van de schaakopening Deel 2: Flankspelen
De Wereld van de schaakopening Deel 1: 1.d2 d4
De Wereld van de schaakopening Deel 3: 1.e2-e4
Play 1...Nc6
Opening Originals
The Alterman Gambit Guide (Black gambits Vol. 2)
Better Late Than Never - The Tennison Gambit
The Alterman Gambit Guide (Black Gambits Vol. 1)
Gambit Busters
Key Concepts of Gambit Play
€24.99 - €29.99
€24.99 - €29.99
The Complete Polar Bear System
Winning At Blitz - A Fun Guide To Blitz Chess
Gambiteer 1 & 2
Chess Camp Vol. 7: Opening Tactics
125 Chess Opening Surprises
Bc4 Against the Open Games
The Gambit Killer
Chess Openings for Juniors
The Hippopotamus Defence
Testbook of Opening Traps
The Elshad System for White
Counterattacking systems versus 1.e4 and 1.d4
The Club Player's Modern Guide to Gambits
Chess Opening Workbook for Kids
Double Fianchetto
Attacking with g2-g4
Chess Opening Traps for Kids
Starting Out: Open Games
The Exhilarating Elephant Gambit
€24.95 - €29.95
€24.95 - €29.95
a complete guide to countering offbeat openings
how to play against 1 d4 1 e4
Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Volume 2
€27.95 - €32.95
€27.95 - €32.95
The Sniper , Play 1. ..g6, ...Bg7 and ...c5!
Playing The Ragozin - A Dynamic Repertoire
€24.99 - €29.99
€24.99 - €29.99
The Basman-Williams Attack
Chess Openings for Black explained (2nd edution)
Chess Openings for White Explained (out of stock)
Opening Repertoire - Richter-Veresov Attack
Play the Barry Attack
The Polish Defense
The Modernized Barry Attack
€31.95 - €34.95
€15.00 - €17.50
Playing for a win with ...b6
The Modern Gurgenidze
Basman's Folly
The Richter-Veresov Attack: Qd3 Variation
The Center Game