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- Hollands / Dutch Defence 1.d4-f5
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- Leningrad System
Leningrad System
per item
- Kindermann S.
- Olms
- 208 blz.
- Engels
- 2005
The Leningrad System is one of the sharpest and most interesting replies to 1 d4, and since this typical set-up is also playable against the flank openings 1 c4 and 1 \'ccf3, it provides the Black player with a genuine universal weapon. A repertoire for Black based on 7... \'cbe8 in the main line of the Leningrad System is presented here, but since the typical motifs and ideas for both sides are fully explained, White players too will benefit from a study of the book.
This English edition is a fully updated version of the German edition, which received some highly favourable reviews, for example:
... must be among the best opening books of the past five years ... rich with history of the variation, meticulously researched, enhanced by explanation and exercises, and full of original analysis ... Anyone interested in the theory of the Dutch Defence and the Leningrad Variation will find it an absolute must for their library ... Obviously I highly recommend this book ... '
John Watson in 'The Week in Chess'.
Stefan Kindermann has been a grandmaster since 1988 and is one of the world's leading experts.
007 1 History and Introduction
013 1.1 Foreword to the English edition
014 1.2 Foreword to the German edition
016 2 Typical themes and ideas
016 2.1 Black themes
016 (1) The advance of the f-pawn - the 'Dutch lance'
019 (2) The advance of the black e-pawn
021 (3) Black kingside attack - the g-file
022 (4) Black queenside attack
022 (5) Black play on the queenside
023 (6) Black pressure on d5
023 (7) The white dark-square bishop as object of attack
024 (8) The exchange on e6
024 (9) The 'Dutch king'
025 (10) Leningrad Stonewall
026 2.2 White themes
026 (1) The white advance e4
027 (2) The square e6
028 (3) White attack on the queenside
029 (4) The central lever c4-c5
030 (5) Attacking with the h-pawn
032 3 Illustrative games
032 3.1 Main line 7 Nc3 Qe8 8 d5 a5
032 3.1.1 9 Be3 (Yusupov-Bareev)
040 3.1.2 9 Nd4(van der Sterren-Nikolic)
045 3.1.3 9 Ne1 (Rogozenko-McDonald)
049 3.1.4 9 Bd2 (Beliavsky-GIek)
053 3.2 Alternative main line 8 d5 Na6
060 3.3 Alternatives at move 8 for White
060 3.3.1 8 b3 (Ibragimov-Kramnik)
067 3.3.2 The knight move 8 Nd5 (Lugovoi-Kindermann)
074 3.3.3 My special recommendation for White, 8 Re1 (Filippov-Potapov & Filippov-Zhang)
084 3.3.4 8 Qb3 (Yusupov-Kindermann)
087 3.4 Various systems with b3
087 3.4.1 White plays b3, c4 followed by an early d5; White omits c4 (Tukmakov-Malaniuk)
092 3.4.2 White systems with b3 and c4 without an early Nc3 (Damljanovic-Onischuk)
098 3.4.3 The alternative: the central 7...Ne4 (Hansen-Berg)
102 3.5 White systems with Nbd2 followed by e4 and/or c3 and b4 (Weber- Kindermann)
106 3.6 White systems with an early b4
110 3.7 Karlsbad Variation (Nh3)
110 3.7.1 White plays c4 (Sher-Beim)
117 3.7.2 White omits c4 (Krasenkow-Malaniuk)
123 3.8 System with 4 c3 and 5 Qb3 (Anand-Fritz)
129 3.9 Leningrad Stonewall after 4 c3
133 3.10 The move order 1 d4, 2 c4, 3 Nc3
137 3.11 System with 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Bg5 or 3 Bf4
(Oms Pallise-Movsziszian)
143 3.12 System with 2 Nc3 (Gurevich-Topalov)
153 3.13 System with 2 Bg5 (Lerner-Malaniuk)
163 3.14 Staunton Gambit 2 e4 (Naumann-Kindermann)
172 3.15 Rare continuations for White at move 2
177 3.16 Countering flank openings: tips and suggestions
177 3.16.1 The Lisitsyn Gambit (Zude-Lutz)
179 3.16.2 1 Nf3 f5 2 d3! My secret tip for White!
184 3.16.3 Playing the Dutch against 1 c4 (Gelfand-Kindermann)
189 4 Appendix
189 4.1 Bibliography
191 4.2 Index of symbols
192 4.3 Index of players
195 4.4 Index of games
207 4.5 Index of variations
This English edition is a fully updated version of the German edition, which received some highly favourable reviews, for example:
... must be among the best opening books of the past five years ... rich with history of the variation, meticulously researched, enhanced by explanation and exercises, and full of original analysis ... Anyone interested in the theory of the Dutch Defence and the Leningrad Variation will find it an absolute must for their library ... Obviously I highly recommend this book ... '
John Watson in 'The Week in Chess'.
Stefan Kindermann has been a grandmaster since 1988 and is one of the world's leading experts.
007 1 History and Introduction
013 1.1 Foreword to the English edition
014 1.2 Foreword to the German edition
016 2 Typical themes and ideas
016 2.1 Black themes
016 (1) The advance of the f-pawn - the 'Dutch lance'
019 (2) The advance of the black e-pawn
021 (3) Black kingside attack - the g-file
022 (4) Black queenside attack
022 (5) Black play on the queenside
023 (6) Black pressure on d5
023 (7) The white dark-square bishop as object of attack
024 (8) The exchange on e6
024 (9) The 'Dutch king'
025 (10) Leningrad Stonewall
026 2.2 White themes
026 (1) The white advance e4
027 (2) The square e6
028 (3) White attack on the queenside
029 (4) The central lever c4-c5
030 (5) Attacking with the h-pawn
032 3 Illustrative games
032 3.1 Main line 7 Nc3 Qe8 8 d5 a5
032 3.1.1 9 Be3 (Yusupov-Bareev)
040 3.1.2 9 Nd4(van der Sterren-Nikolic)
045 3.1.3 9 Ne1 (Rogozenko-McDonald)
049 3.1.4 9 Bd2 (Beliavsky-GIek)
053 3.2 Alternative main line 8 d5 Na6
060 3.3 Alternatives at move 8 for White
060 3.3.1 8 b3 (Ibragimov-Kramnik)
067 3.3.2 The knight move 8 Nd5 (Lugovoi-Kindermann)
074 3.3.3 My special recommendation for White, 8 Re1 (Filippov-Potapov & Filippov-Zhang)
084 3.3.4 8 Qb3 (Yusupov-Kindermann)
087 3.4 Various systems with b3
087 3.4.1 White plays b3, c4 followed by an early d5; White omits c4 (Tukmakov-Malaniuk)
092 3.4.2 White systems with b3 and c4 without an early Nc3 (Damljanovic-Onischuk)
098 3.4.3 The alternative: the central 7...Ne4 (Hansen-Berg)
102 3.5 White systems with Nbd2 followed by e4 and/or c3 and b4 (Weber- Kindermann)
106 3.6 White systems with an early b4
110 3.7 Karlsbad Variation (Nh3)
110 3.7.1 White plays c4 (Sher-Beim)
117 3.7.2 White omits c4 (Krasenkow-Malaniuk)
123 3.8 System with 4 c3 and 5 Qb3 (Anand-Fritz)
129 3.9 Leningrad Stonewall after 4 c3
133 3.10 The move order 1 d4, 2 c4, 3 Nc3
137 3.11 System with 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Bg5 or 3 Bf4
(Oms Pallise-Movsziszian)
143 3.12 System with 2 Nc3 (Gurevich-Topalov)
153 3.13 System with 2 Bg5 (Lerner-Malaniuk)
163 3.14 Staunton Gambit 2 e4 (Naumann-Kindermann)
172 3.15 Rare continuations for White at move 2
177 3.16 Countering flank openings: tips and suggestions
177 3.16.1 The Lisitsyn Gambit (Zude-Lutz)
179 3.16.2 1 Nf3 f5 2 d3! My secret tip for White!
184 3.16.3 Playing the Dutch against 1 c4 (Gelfand-Kindermann)
189 4 Appendix
189 4.1 Bibliography
191 4.2 Index of symbols
192 4.3 Index of players
195 4.4 Index of games
207 4.5 Index of variations