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1. d4, Beat The Guerrillas!

Devious Chess (out of stock)

Mastering The Middlegame

Improve Your Chess

The Genious And The Misery of Chess

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 10

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 14

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 9

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 7

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 12

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 6

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 3

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 13

Opening For White According to Anand 1. e4 Vol. 11

Königsgambit Richtig Gespielt (!)

Modern Ideas In Chess

The Slav

Rocking The Ramparts - A Guide To Attacking Chess

1. d4 - Ratgeber Gegen - Unorthodoxe Verteidigungen

Fischer World Champion!

Conquering Kings

The Most Instructive Games Of The Young Grandmasters

Shirov's One Hundred Wins

Korchnoi - My Best Games Vol. 1: Games With White

David vs Goliath

A Cutting-Edge Gambit Against The Queen's Indian