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- Pirc Verdediging 1.e4-d6 2....Nf6 ...g6...Bg7
Pirc Verdediging 1.e4-d6 2....Nf6 ...g6...Bg7

The Pirc Move By Move

The Pirc in Black and White (!)

a complete guide to the pirc / modern complex

The Pirc Defence
€25.99 - €29.99
€25.99 - €29.99

The Perfect Pirc-Modern - New Edition 10 Years Later

1....d6 Move by Move

Chess Developments: The Pirc

Dangerous Weapons: The Pirc and Modern

Play The Pirc Like A Grandmaster 1 & 2 DVD

The Pirc Defence DVD

1... d6 Universal DVD

Attacking With The Pirc DVD